Geovisualization Portfolio GEOG 5540

Choropleth Map

Choropleth mapping is a type of mapping that uses different colors and shading to represent different values or ranges of values. Choropleth maps are often used to show the distribution of population and income levels, as well as the geographic concentration of certain demographic or economic factors. The choropleth map I created displays the percentage of kids in each Virgina counties in 2010.

Point Symbol Map

Point symbol mapping is a type of mapping that uses symbols to represent the presence of certain characteristics or phenomena. Point symbols are usually used to represent individual points, such as cities, towns, or other geographic features. The symbols can vary in size, shape, and color to show different characteristics. The point symbol map I created displays the total families per state.

Isarithmic Map

Isarithmic mapping is a type of mapping that uses contour lines to represent the magnitude of a certain characteristic or phenomena. Contour lines are lines that connect points of equal elevation and are often used to represent the spatial distribution of a certain characteristic. The isarithmic map attached above displays the total precipitation in Iowa.

Bivariate Map

Bivariate mapping is a type of mapping that shows the relationship between two variables. Bivariate maps often use two colors, such as red and blue, to represent the two variables. The colors can be used to show how the two variables change in relation to each other. The bivariate map I created displays the total land and water per area in Virginia county subdivisions for the year 2016.

Flow Map

Flow mapping is a type of mapping that shows the movement of people or goods from one place to another. Flow maps typically use arrows to represent the direction of movement, and different colors to represent the magnitude of the flow. The flow map I designed visualizes the movement of people between different regions in the United States.

Small Multiple Choropleth Map

A small multiple choropleth map is a map that uses multiple, small maps to display the same geographic area. Each map shows a different aspect of the data for the same area, allowing for a detailed comparison of different variables. The maps are usually arranged in a grid pattern, with each map showing a different variable. The small multiples map I created displays the total alcohol, beer, wine, and liquor consumption for all 50 states.

Final Project

The overarching goal of this project is to analyze alcohol consumption trends for each state in the US between the years 2006-2016. I want to gain an understanding of the drinking practices of each state, as well as overall consumption trends. I will use a combination of maps, statistical displays, and interactive visualizations to effectively communicate our data.